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Candado Chilote, el legado de Don Limbano Vito Vito. Transmitir el conocimiento desde la educación patrimonial, madera e ingenio.

Código de equipo: INN1186

Equipo: Javier García Fuentes, Giovanni Méndez Caballero

Entidad: Uñu

País: Chile

Ciudad: Region Metropolitana

URL Sitio web o RRSS: https://www.facebook.com/unu.chile/

Candado Chilote, the legacy of Don Limbano Vito Vito. Transmit knowledge from heritage education.

Giovanni Méndez Caballero.

This begins with the need to continue with a trade, with local heritage and identity. A problem associated with the loss of trades is related to public education in our country, which requires new methods or existing solutions. Due to this, the idea arises to propose a series of educational programs that strengthen Chilean competition in the field of wood and its derivatives.

Chiloe land of trades, forests, mountains, sea and land, of myths and legends, an overflowing geography in wood, this way of coexisting with nature leads the Chilote to create and interpret his ingenuity so it begins to develop with the passing time a living culture, a culture of wood, which goes from generation to generation.

This ingenuity has allowed creating from their houses (stilt houses), boats, churches, gadgets, locks, assemblies and joints, returning their inhabitants to living treasures with a unique wisdom, a wisdom that knows the forest, the climate, the sea, the land, its rhythms and above all the trade … today many of them in retirement, many carpenters, wood craftsmen want to leave a legacy, they want to teach and transmit their knowledge to the community, to children and young people that allows them To continue with this historical legacy, one of the trades is the manufacture of wooden locks from Chiloe with a unique charm and a mechanism that makes it be a historical and cultural piece typical of the daily work of the Chilote.

This concern and reason to know more about Chiloé brought me to Uñu and the Association of Patrimonial Carpenters of Chiloé with which we are generating a link to carry out these educational programs, meetings were held, brainstorming, they shared experiences, explained work done, emails were sent to strategic places to get academic support and strength, such as the CIM UC Wood Innovation Center, the ETC Technological School of the Chilean Chamber of Construction of the CChc Chilean Chamber of Construction, to generate a program of trades with different content and levels.

Basic education starting with a didactic carpentry, entertained with the project developing intelligence with the hands, creation of toys, strengthening the creative process and learning through playful, entertaining workshops, In simplified terms, this means a greater development of manual skills , the greater the cognitive and language development of the students.

Carpentry also offers an important dimension not only of education but also of health, since it promotes a healthy activity both in the garden, school and at home.

Secondary education in the 3rd and 4th years, empowering, discovering talents, strengthening training and professional technical competence, bringing young people from high schools vulnerable to new technology, in as many high schools as possible, today in Chile there are 945 high school technical professionals.

Our purpose and objective is that this knowledge endures, is continued from generation to generation and that carpentry is transformed into something more than a trade, a school of wood within schools, lyceums, and for higher education means it has as value and challenge generate comprehensive training for people who contribute to the social, cultural and economic enrichment of communit



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Video explicativo: https://vimeo.com/444117556
Resumen: Resumen Ejecutivo
Presentación: INN1186_PPT
Lámina 01: Lamina 1
Lámina 02: Lamina 2
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